
About me

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everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

17th Birthday Party

yeaah, finally there something that i can posting since last month. This site such uninhabited, wasted, and unkempt. Quite a lot of things I do during the holidays like making some cakes, arranging the old-style houses to make it look like new for two thousand and twelve, and speaking of New year & Christmas ... My birthday was two days after Christmas and 4 days before new year. Perfeeeeccttttooo !!!
for this year I celebrate with my closest friends, what a sweet seventeen ♥ ♥ ♥
finally I was 17 years old. which a person becomes an adult. I like cried to let everyone know I'm not a kid anymore, I've grown! don't you see it, I can wear high heels as high as 15 cm. ONCE AGAIN, I'VE GROWN!

wanna see the spirit of my birthday party, nothing special but the feels..

by the way merry christmas people xoxo

Rabu, 23 November 2011

rooms rommy (by indonesia language)

take a look my new creation in my loovely room ;)

nah, ini muka gue baru pulang dari megamall waktu itu, memang sedikit lepek atau bukan cuma sedikit -______- dan mungkin banyak hal aneh yang bakal lo temuin difoto ini cermatilah dengan baik dengan tidak memikirkan hal-hal yang tak sewajarnya untuk dipikirkan. Mulut yang berbentuk "O" besar itu sangat mencolok menghiasi blog gue entah kenapa dimata gue sreeeegg aja gitu liat mukanya, kata temen-temen gue sih emang muka gue photogenic banget kalo lagi mangap begini at least gue ikutin aja saran dari mereka.
bukan bermaksud untuk membanggakan diri tapi itu faktaaaa :')

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Paris! parish! france! or french!

phaaarrreeeeesshhh, or phariissshh!! in generelly language we usually use french or franchhhhh okay i made a series of words that's not important to say, that's alright just make this journal looks alot :D
things i know is the most famous tower of the country you would know about it, eifel tower. i think its incredible! maybe I'm a bit tacky, and no experience but honestly I really liked the city. my dream is explore all the city, someday i will.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

bimo's birthday woots wootsss !!!

nah, at this time i introduce our friend named bimo, fhani's boyfriend the 18th birthday yesterday. what a --- something like "sesuatu banget yah" we made a special cake with some oreo with oreo pieces on it. i told ya, it's special. 
they have 2 months to 3 months of dating. We are planning this event was a week and the result is very satisfactory at all. what a wonderful couple em hey it's the day of sumpah pemuda !!! very completed.
this event take place in amiga's room even i'm from equity they don't mind i think yes, that's why i love them a lottt. everythings going so well, this class received of clothing competition in second place but my class got nothing, uuugghh but it's okay i still can celebrated it with all my best.
cutting cake, sing happy birthday, blowing candles is done. TIME FOR TAKING PHOTOS !!!

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011


gue disini mau nyeritain film temen-temen gue ya mereka menciptakan sebuah film singkat mungkin tak seberapa bagus setidaknya usaha mereka tidak sia-sia.
hal lucu yang gue alamin dari hal ini sekolah yang menyelenggarakan acara film singkat ini adalah sekolah Yos Sudarso (bekas sekolah gue *pamer) naah, temen-temen gue yang main di film ini sekolahnya di Kolese Tiara Bangsa (bekas sekolah gue juga *diem-diem aja -_________-)
menjadi sangat aneh waktu gue ke Yos sekaligus bertemu mereka disaat ketika waktu yang bertepatan, gue lagi bareng temen-temen sekolah gue yang baru. aneh X_X

Kembali ke film ini,
dimata gue film ini cukup bagus dan lagi gue kenal mereka bahkan terlalu mengenal "..." -----
kalo mau lebih lengkapnya bisa download filmnya dibawah ini. Silahkan berikan kritik dan sarannya, gue cuman promosiin.

Kamis, 22 September 2011

stuffs means alot to me

let's share!
you have things that you have from someone you know, someone you feel special, friends who gives you all that stuffs, isn't sweet? things that we're gonna keep it entire of our lives. i love weird stuff, items that has never encountered anyone, when someone gives things that are rarely found for some people I feel very special :D
take a look !

you know what is that! yep, Blackberry he's the special one but he's not everything but i need it

this is a clam, i was keeping this stuff since i'm in junior high school. i've bought it from ocarina it's just 5000 rupiah. me and my friend keep it together till now that's still alive.
note : when you put the hole side in your ear you'll hear something, i'm not kidding

see that puppy, very cuteeeeee i totally love this. this from my friend either named steffy. when she's on her birthday she gives me that ball glasses, kinda weird who's birthday? HAHA, the coolest that i loved when you shake it twinkling springing up like snow

Brown tortoise is actually just a display in my house, children's turtle and materials is made ​​of glass makes it look cute and fancy. love it too !

Rabu, 07 September 2011

delighting day full of color

actually, there's no meaning on the subject was describing what i'm gonna tell on my new posting. if you ask me i'll answer "um, it's just an illustration for my new pict"

SEE WHAT I MEANS i just want to make for everyone who visit my blog has become delightful and make your day fun *i know it doesn't make sense
everyone would have their perspective through the day. this is my way, how's yours? hahaha

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

cakes day \=D/

At first i would say happy birthday for my best lasti antika whose birthday on 18 oct last week. I am also happy for her, she's pretty, she looks gorgeous on her birthday. Our dressed up very pretty * I hope. we spent about 6 hours to prepare all this, if calculated from the dates previously for the brain drain whatever it takes one week we had planned or in other words, approximately 168 hours minus hours of breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleep 9 hours every day starting 65 hours * I guess -------
ya, so this is what some of the activities we did a few days ago :

this is the stuff :
1. egg 5 grains (2 other egg white part discarded)
2. 3 tbsp butter
3. 125 grams flour
4. cocoa powder 25 grams (more is better :9)
5. 150 grams sugar
6. backing powder 1/2 tbsp
7. sp (i forgot what it means) 1 tbsp
8. milk powder 2 tbsp

and steps :
1. beat the eggs, sugar, sp
2. flour + cocoa powder + bp = filter
3. wait until fluffy insert the powder on, after the late switch off.
4. insert the butter
5. insert into the oven about 30 minutes

for created a cute pict as we want, we use cream (1 packet of white butter + condensed milk)


Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011


well, i just posting this photo's actually this event has passed a few months ago, because how trickery my sister, who stole the camera secretly we did not have power. We left it on Bandung and we realized when we got lost in the plane.
I guess I looked very sexy in these photos, I hope you're enjoy it :)

as you know guys, this is the first time i made a snake as a necklace, horrible but looks very cool! and again my face look SHIT! see the pimple, very disturbing.

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011


i have my new friends my new life since.. my accident HA! dear friends, i love you. i'm happy with you guys i don't have to felt to much pain. hell with that, the best feeling in the world is knowing you it means friends actually mean someone to somebody "..." we spend our time in this karaoke, eliminate fatigue while pranced tirelessly. tired of life, time to shake it back (y)

LOOK!!! they looks like have assumed as a professional singer. THIS IS OUR ACTRRESS *lol

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

what i do during holidays

helloo blogger at this time kita campur campyur pke bahasa indonesia aja alrightt! banyak yg protes "why this blog ditulis pke bahasa english?" yaa itu juga klo ga tau inggris-nya search di google translate :') sekalian practice juga boleh doonggss :D

well, liburan kali ini gue habisin waktu di Bandung - Jakarta with all my sistaa. we're having so much fun loohh <3 we have a long long trip in there but its okay, cause shopping had cured me. yaah, kebanyakan juga jalan wkwk :p i also attention to people around my sister's estate in bandung siape tau yeken ada yg minat amaa guee ZzzZzzzzz -____- idiihh lo triiss

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Source Code

i just watch this movie at the first day this movie comes out on Studio XXI MegaMall w/strange boy named : Joy Friady my sista : Mely agatha. well we're having so much fun that time

this is the synopsis :
Built in the body of an unidentified man, Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) finds himself a part of a mission to find the bombers train in Chicago. In a task that he'd never done before. Stevens found himself a part of the government experiments "Source Code," a program that allows him to cross to the identity of another person in the last 8 minutes of his life. if he can't find the bombers Colter returned life incident repeatedly.
finally, after he discovered the bomber, he did not die and they create a new life.

have fun at exam time, it's not good idea!

well after 1 week of increase in class struggle in every exam, guess what I got?
bad marks in accounting & mathemathic lesson,I realized I was too underestimate the exam this time. The next destination i have to prepare for remedial test for those fucking lesson.
my rating dropped dramatically this semester, i have no ideaa i have learn MAYBE , i think this month gonna be great -______- I HATE JUNE.
well forget about exam, school, or etc but i'm having fun with my nu cameraa :3
tooked a lot of picture maybe can be able to comfrt me :)

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

old picture


Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

sweet dreams couples

heyy peoplee, this is my diary well when i broke up with him i try to make something make me happy, yeaaah make a conversation with people and with a stupid face, and a little confidence, coupled with the stupid little jokes which will make the atmosphere pleasant lol :D
for today it's Ascension day of Jesus Christ we're (my family) don't go to chruch and make it to be a secret. sorry God, well at night I have desire, but the event has done what can i do? just wait for next day.
one full day, this is what we got !!!!

with purposefully i upload this picture to tell yaaaww about this captured, actually my face look shiitt!!! grrrr