
About me

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everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

memories full for accounting :D

my friends donchaa remember when we sing a song togetherr???sang together in class w/ jimmy, putri, that was really excitiiiingg >,< even when the time we used putri's mirror for excite our narcissistic action. that mirror is like we ve big twinss there hahaha till foreclosure w/ our teacher mrs. lisme. then when jimmy want to killing himself to jump of Kolese Tiara Bangsa's windows doowwwnnn that was really shocked for another student but its kinda terrifying but still funnyyyyyy when he said, "awwwhhhhh awwwwwhhh putriii i love you so muuuuucccchhhh" too much dramatic trisnaa hmmpfff... our principals, Mrs.Rini cranky with our class A MONTH she wouldn't come in to our class ANYMOREEE SO MEAAAANN, RIGHT?? i don't know why just a small things i think. what a sucks principals but we miss her A LOT!!!
And then when we go to NAGOYA HILL at the time we back at school we found some accident we chases with security guard which forbids us to come in he said "go back to your home child" hey misterr!! i'm fifteeeeeeeeeeenn DO NOT CALL ME A CHILD. how dareeeeee youuu areeeeee!!! errrrggghhhh..
you know its because "Air Terjun Pengantin"
this is the way me and maya come and make the security chasing us *BUY A CLOTHESS hahaha thte cheap onee we bought it maybe 15000 rupiah and its all because "Air Terjun Pengantin" with hungry belly and very tiny wallet we spend our time together.
other friends who are have a very thin financial that's not possible to buy a clothes huhh ;(
actually I also don't want to move but some of the major factors that made ​​me keep trying, cause you againts me and i have a problem with my teacher. you know our school is cooooll, unfortunately those pesky regulations "make me craazzzyyyyyy...zyy.zzyyy..."
if I could go back to Kolese I WILL. but how i don't know-laah so if you have already graduated don't forget us :)