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everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

bimo's birthday woots wootsss !!!

nah, at this time i introduce our friend named bimo, fhani's boyfriend the 18th birthday yesterday. what a --- something like "sesuatu banget yah" we made a special cake with some oreo with oreo pieces on it. i told ya, it's special. 
they have 2 months to 3 months of dating. We are planning this event was a week and the result is very satisfactory at all. what a wonderful couple em hey it's the day of sumpah pemuda !!! very completed.
this event take place in amiga's room even i'm from equity they don't mind i think yes, that's why i love them a lottt. everythings going so well, this class received of clothing competition in second place but my class got nothing, uuugghh but it's okay i still can celebrated it with all my best.
cutting cake, sing happy birthday, blowing candles is done. TIME FOR TAKING PHOTOS !!!

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011


gue disini mau nyeritain film temen-temen gue ya mereka menciptakan sebuah film singkat mungkin tak seberapa bagus setidaknya usaha mereka tidak sia-sia.
hal lucu yang gue alamin dari hal ini sekolah yang menyelenggarakan acara film singkat ini adalah sekolah Yos Sudarso (bekas sekolah gue *pamer) naah, temen-temen gue yang main di film ini sekolahnya di Kolese Tiara Bangsa (bekas sekolah gue juga *diem-diem aja -_________-)
menjadi sangat aneh waktu gue ke Yos sekaligus bertemu mereka disaat ketika waktu yang bertepatan, gue lagi bareng temen-temen sekolah gue yang baru. aneh X_X

Kembali ke film ini,
dimata gue film ini cukup bagus dan lagi gue kenal mereka bahkan terlalu mengenal "..." -----
kalo mau lebih lengkapnya bisa download filmnya dibawah ini. Silahkan berikan kritik dan sarannya, gue cuman promosiin.