
About me

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everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

No Name Vocal Acoustic

yeah, it's 23:31 p.m. the time when i wrote this post almost midnight, whereas there's a try out tomorrow, "MATH TRYOUT" and i hven't slept yet. Math is a disaster, math is a monster math is killing me. btw anw busway, MATEMATIKAAAA..membunuhkuuuuuuu matchingin sama lagu ini "Cinta ini membunuhkuuuu" ya D'masiv. Sekaligus promosi ini band indonesia yang kalo lagi ngomong tampang mukanya emang paling bego kebanding band-band papan atas lainnya. I'm browsing on the youtube looked for the new single from audrey's song "akuilah aku" well that was a nice song. butt that wasn't the point, back to "Cinta ini membunuhku" i find this song on youtube i just love it of course with their new arrangement.

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

my new hair ;D

nothing special, my hair even worst but for defense it's still cute with the curly and more visible, although the fact is this hairstyle show my identity being an original of Batak people. A boys who inspired me, named joy said: you should proud to be a Batak girls. i forgot what the reason hahaha enough for this post.

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Kaitlyn Maher

Kaitlyn Maher is an talented child from America also an actress who was born in michigan and raised in Ashburn, Virginia. she's known people when he follows "America's Got Talent" event. the youngest person to do so,  she said in front of the judges "i really like do singer" with the effect of the voice its like ... baby voice, very sof & clean.
from that show, suddenly her name exploded in film industry she plays the orphan Quinn in The Search for Santa Paws.

Sharon : Hello!
Kaitlyn : Helloo..
Sharon : What's ur name?
Kaitlyn : Kitlyn Ashley Maher
Sharon : and how old r u kaitlyn ?
Kaitlyn : i just turned four.
Sharon : (impressed) r u from new york?
Kaitlyn : um, i'm from Amelicaa (not using "r)

by Kaitlyn Maher singing Ave Maria

Another interesting videos


Dad : Who dropped Bella?
Eli : I'm not droppng the bella!
Dad : ok did you drop the hamster?
Eli : Yees
Dad : Why'd drop her?
Eli : sorry maddady
you just cant resist forgiving her (:

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

our lovely dog black ♥

at this time i'm gonna shared how important this animal for my family especially mine. I'd keep 4 dogs since I was a kid, the first one when i was grade 4 she's a lil' tiny, cuty, funny, sweety dog ever. she's look amazing, i do not know how my dad met him, which I know that he found it in the forest, i have no idea what was his doing. okay then, we called her jumbo we took the name from candy so sweet haha you know "SUGUS JUMBO" yes, that one! haha not last for a long time he was given to someone i don't know. The second and third have the same fate but the differencess is the second dog was "eaten". how tragic ); and the forth and i hope for the last, named blacky or we used call backy, fortunately he saves till now. we take care of it almost 2 years, we love backy so muchhhhhhhh

look how stupid you are black hahahahaha

this is the second jumbo, which was eaten

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Happy New Year 2012

well, time go fast now we step on the new year with a new spirit, hope and possibilities. Every year teaches us some of life's most important lessons, and with that learning we put our step forward towards a bright future.
holiday is almost over, time to return to the books and lessons. X_X
last new year was great, celebrating with friends and family all seemed happiness. Feel the fireworks in the middle of traffic jam until dawn. see the spirit of new year 2012 below: