at this time i'm gonna shared how important this animal for my family especially mine. I'd keep 4 dogs since I was a kid, the first one when i was grade 4 she's a lil' tiny, cuty, funny, sweety dog ever. she's look amazing, i do not know how my dad met him, which I know that he found it in the forest, i have no idea what was his doing. okay then, we called her jumbo we took the name from candy so sweet haha you know "SUGUS JUMBO" yes, that one! haha not last for a long time he was given to someone i don't know. The second and third have the same fate but the differencess is the second dog was "eaten". how tragic ); and the forth and i hope for the last, named blacky or we used call backy, fortunately he saves till now. we take care of it almost 2 years, we love backy so muchhhhhhhh
look how stupid you are black hahahahaha
this is the second jumbo, which was eaten