
About me

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everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Source Code

i just watch this movie at the first day this movie comes out on Studio XXI MegaMall w/strange boy named : Joy Friady my sista : Mely agatha. well we're having so much fun that time

this is the synopsis :
Built in the body of an unidentified man, Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) finds himself a part of a mission to find the bombers train in Chicago. In a task that he'd never done before. Stevens found himself a part of the government experiments "Source Code," a program that allows him to cross to the identity of another person in the last 8 minutes of his life. if he can't find the bombers Colter returned life incident repeatedly.
finally, after he discovered the bomber, he did not die and they create a new life.

have fun at exam time, it's not good idea!

well after 1 week of increase in class struggle in every exam, guess what I got?
bad marks in accounting & mathemathic lesson,I realized I was too underestimate the exam this time. The next destination i have to prepare for remedial test for those fucking lesson.
my rating dropped dramatically this semester, i have no ideaa i have learn MAYBE , i think this month gonna be great -______- I HATE JUNE.
well forget about exam, school, or etc but i'm having fun with my nu cameraa :3
tooked a lot of picture maybe can be able to comfrt me :)

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

old picture


Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

sweet dreams couples

heyy peoplee, this is my diary well when i broke up with him i try to make something make me happy, yeaaah make a conversation with people and with a stupid face, and a little confidence, coupled with the stupid little jokes which will make the atmosphere pleasant lol :D
for today it's Ascension day of Jesus Christ we're (my family) don't go to chruch and make it to be a secret. sorry God, well at night I have desire, but the event has done what can i do? just wait for next day.
one full day, this is what we got !!!!

with purposefully i upload this picture to tell yaaaww about this captured, actually my face look shiitt!!! grrrr