
About me

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everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

the story from the future (:

aaaaaaaaaaa, sudah 4 bulan saya tidak mem-posting apa-apa. how could time goes so fast?! naow i'm a student of MCU ;D jadi anak kuliahan itu keren "statusnya". Awal gue mikir kuliah itu enak, bebas! tapi bukan berarti gue bilang kuliah itu ngga enak lhooo. Just think that college  not good as I thought. but still fun (:
i've got a lot of friends here, relation but not with "ship" hahaha rite naow love doesn't exist in my life. *TUTUPHATIRAPAT2X*
banyak kejadian lucu selama 4 bulan ini, and i found diferent kinds of people and i will pick one of them:
ROSE , nooo not flower things he is totally person haha (he's fake name). He is my dudes in here from my old city. We don't know each other from our old city, ada waktu dimana pas waktu di mall kota kami. i saw him, and i know him but don't know exactly though. He's with his mom and dad, he sat besides me at kfc. And now we're bestfriend in our new college xD really not what i'm expected before lol

question : who knows the future? haaa

jadi anak perantauan dan tinggal dirumah sendiri itu sekitar 60% dan 40 % jadi 20% lebih baik dibandingkan harus dirumah sendiri. tapi yang bakal gue ceritain si 40% ini.. sebelumnya gue gak kepikiran kalo jadi anak kos bakal kaya gini, memang gak sepenuhnya sendiri cuma ga bisa terus bergantung sama orang lain.
there's a loooot of differencess of batam and bandung.
i've heard about bandung before, selain suhunya yang dingin-dingin juga kota perantauan anak-anak muda, they said bandung's food delicious. gue ga tau entah gue yg gak gaul tau tempat-tempat yang enak dikunjungin atau gimana tapi kondisi perut gue selalu menolak, irdk huh..
kalo batam selain kota yang sebagai pelampiasan bocornya neraka, setidaknya makanan disana itu enak-enak walau biaya makan disana tidak se- terjangkau dibandung :/ tapi asli gue kangen seafood batam :'((
hidup gue melarat disini, penyebab karena kampus gue dapat ditempuh dengan  berjalan kaki cuma 5 menit kalo mau jalan gue musti naik angkot atau numpang kendaraan temen -_- a children living overseas~
but this is life's, let it flow..
i cannot imagine i could live my life in this foreign city next 4 years, what it would be..