
About me

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everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

it's over

everything's was over, now i'm single he tired of me, sorry for all i've done but i love you. i know this day will come i said for myself i have to be ready to hear when you said to stop this relationship remember when we on the way home i'm being quiet? i just think how if you want to breakup wth me how will i be? i was cried behind you. how stupid i am? for the second time i failed.


dear christ,

I know that my name is not one you wish to hear mentioned. I am the one who brought grief and havoc to your life. it's fair if you mad at me because I'm selfish, arrogant etc.. I really apologize to you I want to change my bad things for you, if I do something wrong again I will let you issue a decision.
I am the one that was a fool to risk our love for a few frivolous moments of pleasure. I played with fire thinking I would never get burned, but I was when I lost you.

by, trisna