
About me

Foto saya
everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Kamis, 22 September 2011

stuffs means alot to me

let's share!
you have things that you have from someone you know, someone you feel special, friends who gives you all that stuffs, isn't sweet? things that we're gonna keep it entire of our lives. i love weird stuff, items that has never encountered anyone, when someone gives things that are rarely found for some people I feel very special :D
take a look !

you know what is that! yep, Blackberry he's the special one but he's not everything but i need it

this is a clam, i was keeping this stuff since i'm in junior high school. i've bought it from ocarina it's just 5000 rupiah. me and my friend keep it together till now that's still alive.
note : when you put the hole side in your ear you'll hear something, i'm not kidding

see that puppy, very cuteeeeee i totally love this. this from my friend either named steffy. when she's on her birthday she gives me that ball glasses, kinda weird who's birthday? HAHA, the coolest that i loved when you shake it twinkling springing up like snow

Brown tortoise is actually just a display in my house, children's turtle and materials is made ​​of glass makes it look cute and fancy. love it too !

Rabu, 07 September 2011

delighting day full of color

actually, there's no meaning on the subject was describing what i'm gonna tell on my new posting. if you ask me i'll answer "um, it's just an illustration for my new pict"

SEE WHAT I MEANS i just want to make for everyone who visit my blog has become delightful and make your day fun *i know it doesn't make sense
everyone would have their perspective through the day. this is my way, how's yours? hahaha