
About me

Foto saya
everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Rabu, 23 November 2011

rooms rommy (by indonesia language)

take a look my new creation in my loovely room ;)

nah, ini muka gue baru pulang dari megamall waktu itu, memang sedikit lepek atau bukan cuma sedikit -______- dan mungkin banyak hal aneh yang bakal lo temuin difoto ini cermatilah dengan baik dengan tidak memikirkan hal-hal yang tak sewajarnya untuk dipikirkan. Mulut yang berbentuk "O" besar itu sangat mencolok menghiasi blog gue entah kenapa dimata gue sreeeegg aja gitu liat mukanya, kata temen-temen gue sih emang muka gue photogenic banget kalo lagi mangap begini at least gue ikutin aja saran dari mereka.
bukan bermaksud untuk membanggakan diri tapi itu faktaaaa :')

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Paris! parish! france! or french!

phaaarrreeeeesshhh, or phariissshh!! in generelly language we usually use french or franchhhhh okay i made a series of words that's not important to say, that's alright just make this journal looks alot :D
things i know is the most famous tower of the country you would know about it, eifel tower. i think its incredible! maybe I'm a bit tacky, and no experience but honestly I really liked the city. my dream is explore all the city, someday i will.