
About me

Foto saya
everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

cheers up trisna it's not the end of your lifeee !!!

well, Everyone need someone sometimes, to cheer them up. it's normal thing isn't it? i need you to cheers me up to make me feel like the one girl that you loved the queen of your heart than the other girls but you? if you know what i feel u will never did something like that to me. pretending like you don't care about me? thank you so much! i mad of you cause sincerely, i still love you but you ARE NOT THE END OF MY LIFE. maybe i always said that i will never disturbing you but i can't i', trying still can't. how could u did something indifferent to me? i just want to know how you did that! so i can be like you !!!
what do you want me to change? i'll do that, okaaaaayy but tell me you don't love me anymore i will let you go nut till now you don't say any words so let continue this struggle CAIIIIIYYYYOOOOOOOO ^O^