
About me

Foto saya
everyday is a journey and the journey it self is called home ♥

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

"Kolese" memories

hey guuuyyss i miss you A LOT especially for my best friend maya, atik, putri, jimmy, jenny, jena ALL OF YOU GUYS! when we meet agaiiinn?? when we spend our time together with Accounting 1. now we all split up. it feels like we gather back together :)

this is the time when we ran out from Sir idon'tknowhisname!!

remember this?? this is when we have a great time on camp vietnam seasooonn :D we have so muaacchh fuun here. actually we go there cause hve study tour to know pre-historic in camp vietnam then when we go back we spend our time in "Pasir Putih"

you know theeeenn, we meet some buleee out thereeee haha which one is john, peta, ben nobbs the prince one hihi i looking for this pict so passionate this is what i've got not badd umh.